Sunday, February 28, 2010

chart to help step by step approach for locating and assessing information

This chart shows us the step by step approach to locate, to use, to assess and to evaluate the information. This chart helps us to keep the certain targets in our mind while looking and using the information. For example, we should be very specific for the kind of information, we require in our search.


  1. I agree that being very specific in our searches for information is key. So many times we cannot seem to find what we are looking for, by narrowing it down you have more options. Then being able to take what is relevant and useful and discard the rest is the time consuming part. Being organized is very helpful as well. Great chart!

  2. It's rediculously easy to lose sight of what you've set out to find in the first place, if you haven't got a clear idea what exactly you're looking for, and lack the ability to isolate exactly what you need from what you don't. This chart is exactly what anyone doing research needs, like IKEA instructions for making the most of, and getting the most out of research projects. Thanks Amandeep. Awesome.

  3. This chart is a great example of how to assess good information. What steps you should take in picking out information to provide in report or research. Great input!
